Terbaik 13 Rekomendasi Anak Gunung Krakatau

Lukman Marpaung

last December until January. What used to be a fairly dense vegetation and tall peak now became barren. The peak became low and there looks to be a lake at its center. Before the 2018 eruption, the backside of the island was covered with forest greeneries. Now, it looks barren and . Open withering trees. The impact of the tsunami has changed the landscape of the beach on most . Of the islands, e.g. Sertung, Rakata and Panjang. Almost all the sloped beaches are gone. This certainly is an interesting natural phenomenon because . Of the changes on the landscape. We, from BKSDA, have done . A study about establishing a natural tourism area in Krakatau. But, looking at the current condition, it is not possible to . Open a natural tourism area here. We will now manage this area as a conservation area, so natural tourism is out of the question. Mount . Anak Krakatau’s condition can be called . ‘ground zero’ because of the devastation, no greenery at all. This is a good opportunity from nature. Nature made an experiment, starting from Anak . Krakatau. This kind of phenomenon is very rare. This happened back in the 1950’s and now it happens .

Again. It gives a chance for young researchers to observe how a natural phenomenon performs a dynamic, a natural experiment. And it’s very interesting, but why? Because there are still .

Sources of seeds around the area that will probably reform the forest on Mount Anak Krakatau. With time, will we destroy it? Will we use it unaccordingly? If so, it will perish .

Just that. My hope for the future is this knowledge will belong to Indonesians. We will control our own . Nature. Government policies will be determined from the research of our own children. Be the master of your own nation.

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