Each review score is between 1-10. To get the overall score that you see, we add up all the review scores we’ve received and divide that total by the number of review scores we’ve received. In addition, guests can give separate ‘subscores’ in crucial areas, such as location, cleanliness, staff, comfort, facilities, value for money and free Wi-Fi. Note that guests submit their subscores and their overall scores independently, so there’s no direct link between them.
You can review an Accommodation that you booked through our Platform if you stayed there or if you arrived at the property but didn’t actually stay there. To edit a review you’ve already submitted, please contact our Customer Service team.
We have people and automated systems that specialise in detecting fake reviews submitted to our Platform. If we find any, we delete them and, if necessary, take action against whoever is responsible.
Anyone else who spots something suspicious can always report it to our Customer Service team, so our Fraud team can investigate.
Ideally, we would publish every review we receive, whether positive or negative. However, we won’t display any review that includes or refers to (among other things):
- Politically sensitive comments
- Promotional content
- Illegal activities
- Personal or sensitive information (e.g. emails, phone numbers or credit card info)
- Swear words, sexual references, hate speech, discriminatory remarks, threats, or references to violence
- Spam and fake content
- Animal cruelty
- Impersonation (e.g. if the writer is claiming to be someone else)
- Any violation of our review guidelines.
To make sure reviews are relevant, we may only accept reviews that are submitted within 3 months of checking out, and we may stop showing reviews once they’re 36 months old – or if the Accommodation has a change of ownership.
An Accommodation may choose to reply to a review.
When you see multiple reviews, the most recent ones will be at the top, subject to a few other factors (what language a review is in, whether it’s just a rating or contains comments as well, etc.). If you like, you can sort and/or filter them (by time of year, review score, etc.).
We sometimes show external review scores from other well-known travel websites. We make it clear when we’ve done this.
Guidelines and standards for Reviews
These guidelines and standards aim to keep the content on Booking.com relevant and family-friendly without limiting expression of strong opinions. They are also applicable regardless of the sentiment of the comment.
Contributions should be travel related. The most helpful contributions are detailed and help others make better decisions. Please don’t include personal, political, ethical, or religious commentary. Promotional content will be removed and issues concerning Booking.com’s services should be routed to our Customer Service or Accommodation Service teams.
Contributions should be appropriate for a global audience. Please avoid using profanity or attempts to approximate profanity with creative spelling, in any language. Comments and media that include ‘hate speech’, discriminatory remarks, threats, sexually explicit remarks, violence, and the promotion of illegal activity are not permitted.
All content should be genuine and unique to the guest. Reviews are most valuable when they are original and unbiased. Your contribution should be yours. Booking.com property partners should not post on behalf of guests or offer incentives in exchange for reviews. Attempts to bring down the rating of a competitor by submitting a negative review will not be tolerated.
Respect the privacy of others. Booking.com will make an effort to obscure email addresses, telephone numbers, website addresses, social media accounts, and similar details.
The opinions expressed in contributions are those of Booking.com customers and properties and not of Booking.com. Booking.com does not accept responsibility or liability for any reviews or responses. Booking.com is a distributor (without any obligation to verify) and not a publisher of these comments and responses.
By default, reviews are sorted based on the date of the review and on additional criteria to display the most relevant reviews, including but not limited to: your language, reviews with text, and non-anonymous reviews. Additional sorting options may be available (by type of traveller, by score, etc.).
Translations disclaimer
This service may contain translations powered by Google. Google disclaims all warranties related to the translations, express or implied, including any warranties of accuracy, reliability, and any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
Each review score is between 1-10. To get the overall score that you see, we add up all the review scores we’ve received and divide that total by the number of review scores we’ve received. In addition, guests can give separate ‘subscores’ in crucial areas, such as location, cleanliness, staff, comfort, facilities, value for money and free Wi-Fi. Note that guests submit their subscores and their overall scores independently, so there’s no direct link between them.
You can review an Accommodation that you booked through our Platform if you stayed there or if you arrived at the property but didn’t actually stay there. To edit a review you’ve already submitted, please contact our Customer Service team.
We have people and automated systems that specialise in detecting fake reviews submitted to our Platform. If we find any, we delete them and, if necessary, take action against whoever is responsible.
Anyone else who spots something suspicious can always report it to our Customer Service team, so our Fraud team can investigate.
Ideally, we would publish every review we receive, whether positive or negative. However, we won’t display any review that includes or refers to (among other things):
- Politically sensitive comments
- Promotional content
- Illegal activities
- Personal or sensitive information (e.g. emails, phone numbers or credit card info)
- Swear words, sexual references, hate speech, discriminatory remarks, threats, or references to violence
- Spam and fake content
- Animal cruelty
- Impersonation (e.g. if the writer is claiming to be someone else)
- Any violation of our review guidelines.
To make sure reviews are relevant, we may only accept reviews that are submitted within 3 months of checking out, and we may stop showing reviews once they’re 36 months old – or if the Accommodation has a change of ownership.
An Accommodation may choose to reply to a review.
When you see multiple reviews, the most recent ones will be at the top, subject to a few other factors (what language a review is in, whether it’s just a rating or contains comments as well, etc.). If you like, you can sort and/or filter them (by time of year, review score, etc.).
We sometimes show external review scores from other well-known travel websites. We make it clear when we’ve done this.
Guidelines and standards for Reviews
These guidelines and standards aim to keep the content on Booking.com relevant and family-friendly without limiting expression of strong opinions. They are also applicable regardless of the sentiment of the comment.
Contributions should be travel related. The most helpful contributions are detailed and help others make better decisions. Please don’t include personal, political, ethical, or religious commentary. Promotional content will be removed and issues concerning Booking.com’s services should be routed to our Customer Service or Accommodation Service teams.
Contributions should be appropriate for a global audience. Please avoid using profanity or attempts to approximate profanity with creative spelling, in any language. Comments and media that include ‘hate speech’, discriminatory remarks, threats, sexually explicit remarks, violence, and the promotion of illegal activity are not permitted.
All content should be genuine and unique to the guest. Reviews are most valuable when they are original and unbiased. Your contribution should be yours. Booking.com property partners should not post on behalf of guests or offer incentives in exchange for reviews. Attempts to bring down the rating of a competitor by submitting a negative review will not be tolerated.
Respect the privacy of others. Booking.com will make an effort to obscure email addresses, telephone numbers, website addresses, social media accounts, and similar details.
The opinions expressed in contributions are those of Booking.com customers and properties and not of Booking.com. Booking.com does not accept responsibility or liability for any reviews or responses. Booking.com is a distributor (without any obligation to verify) and not a publisher of these comments and responses.
By default, reviews are sorted based on the date of the review and on additional criteria to display the most relevant reviews, including but not limited to: your language, reviews with text, and non-anonymous reviews. Additional sorting options may be available (by type of traveller, by score, etc.).
Translations disclaimer
This service may contain translations powered by Google. Google disclaims all warranties related to the translations, express or implied, including any warranties of accuracy, reliability, and any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
Kopeng merupakan salah satu daerah di Salatiga yang terkenal dengan udaranya yang sejuk.
Tak heran karena lokasinya berada di kaki
Objek wisata di Kopeng memang tidak terlalu banyak, tapi biasanya wisata di daerah ini mempunyai pemandangan yang indah.
Contoh saja Agrowisata Gunungsari atau nama lengkapnya Agrowisata Kopeng Gunungsari.
Agrowisata Gunungsari menawarkan wisata alam dengan pemandangan alam yang sangat indah.
Ditambah lagi dengan udaranya yang cukup sejuk membuat kita betah berlama lama disini.
udaranya sejuk dan segar. foto @andri_zulianto
Tak hanya itu saja, salah satu daya tarik di Agrowisata Gunungsari adalah makan buah jambu gratis sepuasnya.
Ya benar…
Disini kita bebas makan buah jambu, tinggal petik saja dari pohonnya langsung tanpa perlu membayar sepeserpun.
Tapi jika ingin membawanya pulang kita akan dikenakan biaya perkilonya.
petik buah sendiri. foto @pandu_i
Setiap pekannya
Di Agrowisata Gunungsari ini juga ada gardu pandangnya guys, dari gardu pandang itu kita dapat melihat pemandangan alam sekitar dengan gunung-gunung yang gagah berdiri mengitarinya.
Beberapa gunung yang bisa kita lihat dari Agrowisata Gunungsari diantaranya yaitu
Disini juga tersapat taman bunga mini dan Amphitheater yang semakin menambah keindahan tempat wisata tersebut.
amphitheater. foto @hanikpurwanto
Bagaimana, apa kamu tertarik berkunjung ke Agrowisata Kopeng Gunungsari ini?
FASILITAS Musholla Toilet Tempat Parkir Makan Jambu Gratis Spot Foto Gardu Pandang Amphitheater Warung Makan Dan masih banyak lagi
Harga Tiket Masuk Agrowisata Gunungsari (HTM):
Untuk bisa memasuki kawasan Kopeng Gunungsari kita akan dikenakan tiket masuk sebesar;
INFO HTM Retribusi Rp.20.000/orang Camping (weekdays) Rp.40.000/orang/malam Camping (weekend) Rp.50.000/orang/malam Slan Kopi Rp.15.000/pack
*Tiket camping belum termasuk tenda
Jam Buka:
Agrowisata Kopeng Gunungsari buka setiap hari mulai pukul 07:00-18:00 WIB.
Lokasi Agrowisata Gunungsari:
Agrowisata Gunungsari terletak di Kopeng, Getasan, Salatiga, Jawa Tengah.
- 18 Km dari pusat kota Salatiga melalui Jl. Raya Kopeng (33 menit)
- 15 Km dari Terminal Tingkir melalui Jl. Raya Kopeng (28 menit)
- (Perkiraan waktu tempuh jika tidak ada kendala)
Rute Menuju Agrowisata Kopeng Gunungsari
Akses menuju lokasi bisa dibilang cukup mudah, dari arah Salatiga kota kamu tinggal menuju ke arah Kopeng saja, sebelum sampai di Taman Wisata Kopeng nanti kamu akan menemukan papan petunjuk jalan “Basecamp Merbabu via Chuntel” di pertigaan kiri jalan.
Silahkan belok kiri di pertigaan tersebut lalu ikuti jalan hingga sampai lokasi, Agrowisata Gunungsari berada setelah objek wisata Umbul Songo.
Atau kamu bisa melihat di
Tips Berlibur ke Agrowisata Gunungsari:
- Waktu terbaik adalah saat pagi atau sore hari.
- Walaupun berada di dataran tinggi, tapi saat siang tetap saja panas.
- Jangan membuang sampah sembarangan dan selalu taati aturan ya.
- Lebih disarankan menggunakan kendaraan pribadi terutama motor.
Wisata Terdekat dari Agrowisata Kopeng Gunungsari (-1 Jam):
Kopeng Tree Top Adventure (10 menit)
Wisata alam keluarga dengan berbagai spot foto dan kegiatan seru.
Taman Wisata Kopeng (11 menit)
Taman wisata keluarga paling populer di daerah Kopeng
(5 menit)
Wisata alam dengan kolam renang di kawasan hutan pinus.
Sumber foto header @arifatunnisfah
Kopeng merupakan salah satu daerah di Salatiga yang terkenal dengan udaranya yang sejuk.Tak heran karena lokasinya berada di kaki gunung Merbabu , salah satu gunung tertinggi di Jawa Tengah.Objek wisata di Kopeng memang tidak terlalu banyak, tapi biasanya wisata di daerah ini mempunyai pemandangan yang indah.Contoh saja Agrowisata Gunungsari atau nama lengkapnya Agrowisata Kopeng Gunungsari.Agrowisata Gunungsari menawarkan wisata alam dengan pemandangan alam yang sangat indah.Ditambah lagi dengan udaranya yang cukup sejuk membuat kita betah berlama lama disini.Tak hanya itu saja, salah satu daya tarik di Agrowisata Gunungsari adalah makan buah jambu gratis sepuasnya.Ya benar…Disini kita bebas makan buah jambu, tinggal petik saja dari pohonnya langsung tanpa perlu membayar sepeserpun.Tapi jika ingin membawanya pulang kita akan dikenakan biaya perkilonya.Setiap pekannya objek wisata Salatiga satu ini selalu ramai dikunjungi wisatawan, ada yang datang bersama keluarga, anak-anak, maupun teman untuk melihat pemandangan maupun hanya sekedar melepas penat setelah bekerja.Di Agrowisata Gunungsari ini juga ada gardu pandangnya guys, dari gardu pandang itu kita dapat melihat pemandangan alam sekitar dengan gunung-gunung yang gagah berdiri mengitarinya.Beberapa gunung yang bisa kita lihat dari Agrowisata Gunungsari diantaranya yaitu gunung Andong , Merbabu, Telomoyo hingga Sumbing dan Sindoro Disini juga tersapat taman bunga mini dan Amphitheater yang semakin menambah keindahan tempat wisata tersebut.Bagaimana, apa kamu tertarik berkunjung ke Agrowisata Kopeng Gunungsari ini?Untuk bisa memasuki kawasan Kopeng Gunungsari kita akan dikenakan tiket masuk sebesar;Agrowisata Kopeng Gunungsari buka setiap hari mulai pukul 07:00-18:00 WIB.Akses menuju lokasi bisa dibilang cukup mudah, dari arah Salatiga kota kamu tinggal menuju ke arah Kopeng saja, sebelum sampai di Taman Wisata Kopeng nanti kamu akan menemukan papan petunjuk jalan “Basecamp Merbabu via Chuntel” di pertigaan kiri jalan.Silahkan belok kiri di pertigaan tersebut lalu ikuti jalan hingga sampai lokasi, Agrowisata Gunungsari berada setelah objek wisata Umbul Songo.Atau kamu bisa melihat di Google Maps (10 menit)Wisata alam keluarga dengan berbagai spot foto dan kegiatan seru.(11 menit)Taman wisata keluarga paling populer di daerah Kopeng(5 menit)Wisata alam dengan kolam renang di kawasan hutan pinus.