I visited this place on july 2015 with friends of 16. The location is easy to reach and found.
With overpriced ticket per person and for boat renting, we were expecting some good services and landscape. But what we found was far from there.
We couldnt bring camera due, they charge too much for that… i know that this place was used by many for pre wedding photoshoot, like many other place in Jakarta, so we were okay with that.
All the staffs were ‘security’ guy, with lack of hospitality and friendliness. They didnt comunicate well.
The place was dirty due lack of cleaning services, especially on the lake. Many garbage floating around and they didnt seem to care to clean up.
Many of the facilty were broken due old condition and no maintenance…
The boat ride was decent, and overpriced.
Only 2 boat were operating.
This place have many potential to be great place to hang out and spent quiet time after long weekdays activities, but just like many places in jakarta, lack of maintenance and profit oriented ‘only’ mind from the owner make this place just decent…
If you can tolerate all the above… the you can enjoy your holiday here…
Penyebutan nama tempat wisata dalam bahasa Inggris.
Penyebutan Nama Tempat Wisata dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya
Senin, 7 Juni 2021 | 13:00 WIB
GridKids.id – Kids, setelah menghabiskan rutinitas pekerjaan dan tugas sekolah, kita tentunya butuh mengunjungi tempat wisata untuk menyegarkan pikiran.
Objek wisata ini bisa berupa wisata alam seperti gunung, pantai, laut, atau berupa objek wisata bangunan seperti museum, situs peninggalan sejarah, dan lainnya.
Nah, apakah kamu tahu bagaimana penyebutan nama tempat wisata dalam bahasa Inggris?
Baca Juga: Rekomendasi Tempat Wisata Unik yang Wajib Kamu Kunjungi Saat Berlibur ke Singapura, Mana Saja?
Tempat wisata dalam bahasa Inggris disebut juga dengan nama “tourist attraction” yang terdiri atas beberapa macam tempat.
Penyebutan nama tempat wisata dalam bahasa Inggris tentunya perlu diketahui untuk menambah wawasan ilmu pengetahuan umum.
Nah, bagaimana cara penyebutannya? Yuk, kita pelajari bersama!
Baca Juga: Mempelajari Definisi Serta Contoh-contoh Barisan Dan Deret Matematika
Penyebutan Nama Tempat Wisata dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya
1. Beach: Pantai
2. Water Park: Wahana Air
3. Garden: Taman
4. National Park: Taman Nasional
5. Playground: Taman Bermain
Baca Juga: Penyebutan Nama Benda Langit dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya
6. Theme Park: Taman Hiburan
7. Mountain: Gunung
8. Waterfall: Air Terjun
9. Island: Pulau
10. Hot Spring: Pemandian Air Panas
Penyebutan Nama Tempat Wisata dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya
11. Flower Garden: Taman Bunga
12. Temple: Candi
13. Historical Building: Bangunan Bersejarah
14. Crater: Kawah
15. Outbond: Outbond
Baca Juga: Pengucapan Nama Kegiatan dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya
16. Lake: Danau
17. Religious Building: Tempat Ibadah
18. Forest: Hutan
19. Village: Desa
20. River: Sungai
21. Swimming pool: Kolam renang
Nah, itulah cara penyebutan nama tempat wisata dalam bahasa Inggris.
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It is known as one of the oldest cities in Indonesia, with records dating its founding as far back as the 7th century. Palembang has a rich and storied history – it was the capital of the Kingdom of Sriwijaya, a Malay kingdom that influenced much of Southeast Asia. It was also well known as an important stop on spice trade routes and it enjoys an important role today – the city hosted the Southeast Asian Games in 2011 and will host the Asian games together with Jakarta in 2018.
Palembang’s major landmarks include the Ampera Bridge and the Musi River. This river divides the city in two and Ampera Bridge was built to span it. During Dutch colonial times, it was known as the Venice of Sumatra, due to its many canals. In present times, most of its canals have been filled, and the majority of the population travels by road.