Playground di jakarta pusat


Tak terasa sudah berada di akhir minggu, saatnya mengajak si kecil untuk mengeksplorasi dunia luar. Bagi Parents yang bingung menentukan tujuan, berikut beberapa rekomendasi tempat bermain anak yang dapat menjadi pilihan:

14 Wisata Bermain Anak di Jakarta Yang Edukatif dan Menyenangkan

1. Kidzania


Tempat bermain anak ini cukup digemari oleh orang tua karena mengusung konsep Edutainment. 

Konsep lokasi dibuat menyerupai mini town yang dilengkapi dengan rumah sakit, supermarket, SPBU, dan juga jenis bangunan lainnya, di sini si kecil dapat bebas berprofesi sesuai dengan keinginan mereka.


Pacific Place L6 – 601 Sudirman Central Business District. Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 52-53. Jakarta Selatan 12190 – Indonesia

Harga tiket masuk:

Batita (2-3 tahun) : Rp50.000

Anak (4-16 tahun) : Rp150.000

Dewasa (17-64 tahun) : Rp100.000

2. Pinisi Science & Edutainment Park


Jika Anda ingin si kecil bermain sekaligus belajar, di sinilah tempatnya. Tempat bermain anak ini dirancang untuk memperkenalkan kebudayaan yang terdapat di Indonesia bagi anak. Si kecil akan diajarkan memainkan wayang, menarikan tari tradisional, bahkan sampai membatik juga loh.


Pasaraya Blok M, Lt. 8, 9 & 10. Jl. Iskandarsyah II No 2, Jakarta Selatan 12160

Harga tiket masuk:

Batita (1-3 tahun) : Rp65.000 (Weekdays) / Rp75.000 (Weekend)

Anak (4-16 tahun) : Rp135.000 (Weekdays) / Rp165.000 (Weekend)

Dewasa (di atas 16 tahun) : Rp85.000 (Weekdays) / Rp125.000 (Weekend)

3. Bricks 4 Kidz


Lokasi ini cukup dikenal dengan salah satu media permainannya yang bernama “LEGO Bricky”. Permainan ini dijamin akan merangsang dan meningkatkan kemampuan motorik si kecil. Cukup edukatif ya, Parents!


Jl.Benda Raya No.5, Kemang, Jakarta Selatan 12560, Indonesia

Harga tiket masuk:

LEGO Playground : Rp64.000

Preschool Class (Anak 3-4 tahun) : Rp175.000

After School Program (Anak 5-13 tahun) : Rp175.000

4. Planetarium


Jika si kecil penasaran dengan luar angkasa, Anda sebaiknya mengajaknya ke Planetarium. Di sini, si kecil akan diajari untuk mengenal tata surya.

Selain menawarkan pertunjukkan teater bintang & Multimedia yang memperkenalkan benda asing di luar bumi, di sini anak juga berkesempatan melihat berbagai fenomena alam melalui teleskop.


Taman Ismail Marzuki. Jalan Cikini Raya No.73, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 10330

Harga tiket masuk:

Anak-anak : Rp3.500

Dewasa : Rp7.000

5. Miniapolis


Dengan konsep yang unik, tempat bermain anak ini dirancang agar dapat melatih kemampuan sensorik dan motorik si kecil. Di sini juga ia akan bertemu dengan Mr. Crick, sosok ikon Miniapolis yang bakal mengembangkan jiwa petualang si kecil.


Plaza Indonesia, Level 3. Jl. MH. Thamrin Dav 28 30, Jakarta 10350 Indonesia

Harga tiket masuk:

All Day Pass : Rp190.000 (Non-member) / Rp150.000 (Member)
Zee & Milo’s Hideout : Rp95.000 (Non-member) / Rp80.000 (Member)
Noa’s Park : Rp95.000 (Non-member) / Rp60.000 (Member in Weekdays) & Rp80.000 (Member in Weekdays)
Digiwall : Rp50.000 (Non-member) / Rp35.000 (Member)
Mr. Crick’s Express : Rp50.000 (Non-member) / Rp35.000 (Member)
Carlo Carousel : Rp50.000 (Non-member) / Rp35.000 (Member)

Tiket Pendamping (untuk Noa’s Park & Hideout) : Rp20.000/orang

6. The Playground Kemang


Lokasi ini juga menawarkan tempat bermain anak yang kering dan juga yang basah. Di wahana yang kering, si kecil dapat memainkan lebih dari 10 permainan. Sedangkan di wahana yang basah, si kecil dapat bermain di air mancur atau bahkan menikmati seluncuran air.


Jl. Kemang Dalam 3B # B6, Jakarta Selatan.

Harga tiket masuk:

Anak di atas umur 18 bulan : Rp75.000 (Pendamping maksimal 2 orang)

Tambahan pendamping : Rp60.000/pendamping

7. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII)


Dengan ke TMII, Anda dapat mengenalkan beragam budaya dan juga berbagai adat Indonesia demi meningkatkan rasa cinta tanah air bagi si kecil. Selain melihat berbagai rumah dan pakaian adat, anak juga dapat mengunjungi area khusus hewan, seperti museum air tawar atau museum serangga.


Jl. Raya Taman Mini, Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Tiket harga masuk:

Pintu masuk : Mobil Rp10.000 / Motor : Rp6.000

Kereta Gantung : Rp40.000

Dunia Air Tawar dan Dunia Serangga : Rp25.000

Taman Legenda Keong Mas : Rp15.000 (Weekdays) / Rp25.000 (Weekend)

Taman Burung dan Taman Bekisar : Rp20.000

Museum Indonesia : Rp15.000

8. Istana Anak-anak Indonesia (IAAI)


Tempat yang identik dengan konsep istana Cinderella ini menawarkan pertunjukkan pameran wayang dan berbagai jenis permainan tradisional anak daerah Indonesia.

Si kecil juga dapat bermain sekaligus belajar dengan menggunakan berbagai sarana yang tersedia, seperti alat musik diantonik dan pentatonik, telpon cerita, kincir, Gua sigura-gura, giring ombak, roda tamasya, dan kereta api kelinci.


Taman Mini Indah TMII. Jl. Raya TMII, Cipayung, Jakarta Timur 13820

Harga tiket masuk:

Mandi Bola : Rp5.000
Kolam Renang Sendang Sejodo dan Bumper Car : Rp15.000
Kereta Api Kelinci, Air Plane, Monorail, Komedi Putar, Roda Tamasya, Kiddy Boat, Baterry Car, Pesawat Capung, Fancy Animal, dan Giring Ombak : Rp10.000

9. Perpustakaan Anak Rimba Baca


Jika si kecil hobi membaca, Anda dapat mengajaknya ke tempat ini. Dengan mengusung konsep tempat bermain anak sembari membaca, perpustakaan ini juga memungkinkan bagi si kecil untuk melakukan sejumlah kegiatan lainnya, seperti melukis, mewarnai, hungga membuat origami.


Jl RSPP No 21B, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan

Harga tiket masuk:

Per keluarga: Rp30.000 (untuk 1x kunjungan) atau 350.000 (untuk membership+pinjam 5 buku/minggu)

10. Playparq


Tempat ini menawarkan cukup banyak pilihan bagi Anda, mulai dari jenis permainan indoor maupun outdoor .

Di bagian indoor, si kecil dapat memainkan berbagai wahana play set indoor toddler. Sedangkan untuk outdoor, Playparq menghadirkan berbagai wahana permainan seru lainnya, seperti baby flying fox, flying fox anak, mini wall climbing, pirate ship, serta wahana castle super sliding.


1. Jl.Kemang Timur Raya No.72, Jakarta

2. Epicentrum Walk Lantai 1. Kompleks Rasuna Epicentrum. Jl. H.R Rasuna Said – Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12940

BACA JUGA:   Hotel Pasar Kembang Surabaya: Penginapan Mewah di Tengah Kota

3. Jl. Bintaro Taman Barat Kav.10 Bintaro, Pesanggrahan

Harga tiket masuk:

Hari Selasa : Rp30.000/anak
Weekdays : Rp60.000/anak
Weekend : Rp100.000/anak
*Anak-anak berusia 1-12 tahun sudah dikenakan biaya tiket masuk.
*Pendamping pertama gratis, pendamping ke-2 dan seterusnya dikenakan biaya tiket masuk Rp10.000/orang

11. Bounce Street Asia-Trampoline Park


Lokasi yang sebagian besar diisi dengan trampolin ini dapat menjadi salah satu destinasi yang asyik dan menyenangkan untuk dikunjungi si kecil. Tetapi jangan lupa utamakan keselamatan dan juga lakukan pemanasan terlebih dahulu ya, Parents.


Jalan Sentra Bisnis Artha Gading Blok D Kav. 8, Jakarta Utara-14240

Harga tiket masuk:

Weekdays : Rp110.000/jam

Weekend :

12. Cutie Cats Cafe


Jia Anda dan si kecil merupakan pecinta kucing, kafe ini dapat menjadi pilihan ajang hiburan tersendiri, karena menghadirkan berbagai jenis kucing yang berbeda-beda.

Agar si kecil lebih bisa berinteraksi dengan kucing-kucing yang lucu nan menggemaskan, Anda disarankan untuk datang saat jam makan kucing atau dapat membawa makanan kucing sendiri.


Jl. Kemang 1 No. 12F, Kemang, Jakarta

Harga tiket masuk:

Weekdays : Rp60.000

Weekend : Rp90.000

13. Laser Game Indonesia


Tempat ini bisa menjadi tempat hiburan unik alternatif bagi si kecil, karena ia menawarkan model tembak-tembakkan dengan menggunakan senjata laser mainan.

Si kecil akan dibuat merasakan suasana yang menegangkan karena akan berada di ruang gelap gulita, suara musik yang keras, dan melihat lawan main hanya berdasarkan warna jaket.


Jalan Kemang Raya 16A, Jakarta – Indonesia

Harga tiket masuk:

Weekdays: Rp40.000

Weekend: Rp50.000

14. WoWzonia


Tempat bermain yang bekerja sama dengan franchise dari Singapura ini berusaha menghadirkan sarana hiburan indoor yang mengasyikkan dengan berbagai wahana yang unik. Selain itu, WoWzonia juga diperuntukkan dari umur 3 hingga 12 tahun.

Wahana unik ini antara lain kapal bajak laut dengan konsep glow in the dark, mini-golf berbentuk dinosaurus, 6 lantai tempat bermain (terdiri dari seluncuran, trampolin, ruang balon, jembatan gantung, hingga terowongan), serta ruang “Space Ball” di mana anak-anak dapat bermain perang-perangan di ruangan dengan pencahayaan glow in the dark.


Lippo Mall Kemang, Level 3 Unit L3-01B. Jalan Pangeran Antasari No.36, Kemang, Jakarta Selatan

Harga tiket masuk:

Bayi (0-1 tahun) : Tidak dikenakan biaya

Batita (1-3 tahun) : Rp55.000 (Weekdays) / Rp83.000 (Weekend)

Anak-anak (3-12 tahun) : Rp165.000 (Weekdays & Weekend)

Dewasa : Rp55.000 (Weekdays & Weekend)


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With the limited availability of public parks in Jakarta, finding a place for your kids to play in a safe and fun environment can be a task for parents. You want to let them jump, climb, explore, and learn but at the same time, you want to be able to sit back, relax and not have to worry about them roaming far unattended. The good news is that there have been more playgrounds for kids popping up around the city, both indoor and outdoor for kids of all ages. We have compiled some of the best that you can take your kids to for them to have the grandest time!

1. Playground Kemang  ( 0 – 10 year old / Outdoor)

Playground Kemang

The Playground is an outdoor, Western-style playground in a quiet suburban setting. Run by a couple of Indonesian mothers with their Canadian partner, Playground has spacious grass area and abundant trees surrounding it. Facilities include 10 different play apparatus, Interactive wet play area with small water slides and sprinklers, International grade rubber safety surfacing and shade cloth, Bike/rollerblading path, Standard and kiddy height basketball hoops and other activities. Suitable for parties but strictly limits playground occupancy to only 35 kids at a time.

The Playground also has a Cafe that offers an extensive range of adult and children’s food, coffee, freshly baked breads using butter (not shortening), and no MSG or palm oil is used, and provide buffet for catering.

Jl. Kemang Dalam 3B # B6, Jakarta Selatan.
Phone: +6221 – 719 6962, +6281280175206
Open: 8 am to 5:30 pm, Everyday  including all public holidays
Instagram: @theplaygroundkemang


2. Kidzania  (2 – 16 year old / Indoor)


An ‘edutainment’ indoor theme parks for kids aged 2 to 16 years of age, Kidzania makes you wish you were a kid again! This 7500 m2 space has been built to replicate a real city in miniature, with roads, building, shops, bakery, retail stores, to its own fire department. Upon entering, one is given a boarding pass, a map of the city, and a 50 Kidzos (the official currency of Kidzania) paycheck upon entry. Inside, they can work on over 70 different professions, and spend their Kidzos in some of the shops.

Pacific Place 6th floor, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) kav. 52 – 53, Jakarta Selatan
Phone: +62 21 5154888, +628179976972
Open: 11:00 am to 05:00 pm
Instagram: @kidzaniajakarta

4 – 16 year old: Rp. 235.000 (weekdays) Rp. 275,000 (weekends)
Adult (17 – 59) Rp. 205.000 (weekdays) Rp. 225,000 (weekends)
*Price differ during holiday season

3. PLAYtopia


Photo credit: Instagram

Take your little ones to play on Playtopia! Here, all rides are guaranteed safety. All rides are designed to develop a child’s sensory skills to aid his development and growth. Their signature big slides are surely captivating to try. Never-ending happiness.

Location: Lotte Shopping Avenue, Green Sedayu Mall, Pondok Indah Mall 1, PIK Avenue, Pluit Village

BACA JUGA:   Playground anak kelapa gading

4. APPLE BEE (Indoor)


Photo credit: Instagram @applebeeindo

Apple Bee Kids Playground is the right choice if your kids want to play with unlimited creations through games that are very educational. Apple Bee Kids Playground provides a comfortable space for your little one so parents can also enjoy quality time without having to worry about sharing time with your little one. All the games on the Apple Bee Kids Playground are not only very fun they can also support your little one’s IQ, EQ, and SQ.

Location: Mall Taman Anggrek Jakarta and Mall of Indonesia Jakarta
Weekday : IDR 100.000/ 3 hours
Weekend & Holiday = IDR 140.000/ hours
Instagram: @applebeeindo

5. Cocoland (Indoor)

COCOLAND is a concept of adventure rides for children aged 2 to 12 years, which are designed with an integrated game structure such as tree houses, bridges, slides, climbing, tunnels, ball baths, and other educational toys with the aim that children can have fun and play also train the child’s intelligence and motor skills. It features Creativity Room, Baby Area, Ball Room, Costume Room, Kitchen Room, and Market Room

Pluit Village Mall, 2nd Floor
Open: 10 am to 9 pm every day
Instagram: @cocoland_pluitvillage


6. Bounce Street Asia (Indoor Trampoline Park)


Photo credit by Indoor Trampoline Park

Bounce Street Asia Trampoline Park Jakarta welcomes you to a state-of-art trampoline park that allows you to defy the rules of gravity by setting you up on a thrilling aerial adventure. Whether it’s running up a wall, bouncing for fun, slam-dunking, or maneuvering your flight moves, be ready to experience the ultimate airborne rush.

This park is set out to be one of the most uber-cool and safest arenas in Jakarta. The surface of this arena is interconnected with a circus-grade sponge, springs, and airbags making it the perfect turf for a range of activities. You can find basketball lanes, a dodgeball area, a climbing, and a jumping zone, along with a dedicated kid’s section.

All these games and activities sound awesome right? Well, that’s not all; the best part is that they also double up as a form of hardcore cardio exercise without you even noticing that you’ve been working out all this time! Now everyone can get bouncing. Whether you’re five or 55 years of age, a fitness junkie, or just here for fun, there’s a little something for everyone. The vibe here is constantly high and buzzing. The friendly staff is always around to assist you with safety measures and teach you a few moves along the way too.

Jl. Artha Gading Sel. No.Kav 8, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
Open: 10 am to 6 pm (Weekdays), 10 am to 8 pm (Weekends and public holidays)
Instagram: @bouncestreetasia

7. Playparq (1-12 year old / Outdoor & Indoor)


An extensive outdoor playing area with superslides, baby flying fox, big trampoline, a tree house, fun water play zone, and a lounge for the adults to relax while the kids play. Also available for hire for birthday parties and events.

Playparq has another park in Bintaro area and also an indoor park in Kuningan area in Epicentrum (Epiwalk).

Jl. Kemang Timur Raya No.72, Kemang, Jakarta 12730 Phone: 021 719 5333
Price (Kemang Park): IDR 50,000 Thursday and Friday, IDR 100,000 Saturday and Sunday
Operational hours: 10 am to 5 pm, Thursday to Sunday
Phone: +6281514723649
Instagram: @playparq

8. KindyROO (0-5 year old / Indoor)


KindyROO is an education and play center for babies and toddlers, originating from Melbourne Australia with franchises in Europe, China, the UK, and other parts of the world. KindyROO is not simply a “gym” or “playgroup” for babies and children. It is an educational centre aimed at helping parents to learn about the importance of early childhood development to later school learning. With programs starting for 6 week old babies to toddlers aged 4 to 5 year old that include mat time, free play, music time equipment time, and treasure bag time. All their core program, music and syllabus are all facilitated in English, and classes last 1 hour.

Address: Kemang Square Lt. 3, Unit 9 – 11 Jl. Kemang Raya No 5 Jakarta Selatan 12730
Phone: +6221 7198 101, +628972662688
Instagram: @kindyroojakarta

9. Lollipop’s Playland (1-11 year old / Indoor)


Lollipop’s Playland & Cafe kids Indoor Play Centres are great Kids Party Venues for birthday parties or simply giving kids a treat while parents relax over a cup of hot coffee or a quick shopping break. Provide fun areas for hours of fun climbing, sliding, jumping and spinning on their giant inflatable slide, flying fox, and kids’ rides.

Upon entry into Lollipop’s, each child and parent receives matching ID wrist bracelets to ensure children cannot leave without their parents. A staff member will inspect the exiting customers ID bracelet on departure to prevent any unauthorized exiting of children from the facility. Parents are encouraged to climb, play and interact with their children in the various activity areas. Alternatively, parents can watch their children from the seating areas throughout the playland.

– Senayan City, South Jakarta, 6th floor, Phone: 021- 72781648
– Ciputra World, Kuningan, 4th floor,
– Mal Kelapa Gading 3, 2nd Floor , Ph: 021 4584 5060
– Supermal Karawaci, Tangerang, 1st Floor
– Gandaria City, South Jakarta, 2nd floor
Open 7 days a week, 10.00am to 09.00 pm
Instagram: @lollipops.idn

BACA JUGA:   Terbaik 2 Mbue Deng Sideban Foto Yang Menakjubkan

10. Kidzoona Jakarta (0-12 yo/indoor)



Kidzooona is an unique discovery learning centre for children based on a hands-on concept from Japan. The centre provides a safe indoor playground as an alternative entertaining environment suitable for both children and their families. Its name, is a combination of the words “kid” and “kizuna“, a Japanese word that means the bond between a parent and a child.

Price: starts from Rp. 50,000/hour, Rp. 80,000/day (depends on location) and free for first accompanying adult.

Locations: Lippo Mall Puri, Mall Artha Gading, Aeon Mall JGC, Lippo Mall Kemang, Cibubur Junction, Lotte Shopping Avenue, AEON Mall Tanjung Barat

Instagram: @kidzooona_id

11. Carniville, Grand Indonesia (indoor)


Carniville offers a carnival-theme play area with plenty of safe rides: Sky-A-Round, Magic Bike, Jumping Star, Jump Around, Berry Wheel, Rio Grande Train, Merry-Go-Round, Canoe River, Mini Scooter, dan Softplay Playground.

Location: 3A Floor, Grand Indonesia West Mall, Central Jakarta
Phone: +6221 23580456

12. Miniapolis, Plaza Indonesia (0-12 year olds, indoor)


Photo: Tripadvisor

Miniapolis is specially designed playground with scheduled events and activities to stimulate your children’s world of imagination, supported with unique game options to train their motoric and sensory skills.  Miniapolis Plaza Indonesia is the first branch with a fun carousel, tree house concept playground, Mr.Crick Train Express railway train, and Mr.Crick’s Wish Garden playground with a colorful concept and unique toys. Minniapolis also has a special area called Doodles, where they can paint, craft, and even learn to cook, anytime they want

Plaza Indonesia, Level 3. Jl. MH. Thamrin, 28-30, Jakarta 10350 Indonesia
Lippo Mall Puri, LG-B Puri Indah SBD Blok U1, Jakarta Barat,11610, Indonesia
Instagram: @miniapolisplayground

13. EDOKKO (Indoor)


Photo credit: Instagram @edokko_id

Inspired by the traditional Japanese art of “kabuki”, EDOKKO brought by AEON Fantasy Indonesia comes with the newest indoor playground. In addition to playing in the athletic arena, visitors can try on a charming “kimono” or “ninja” costume and enjoy Japanese food to the fullest. In this place, the whole family can have fun like they are visiting a Japanese summer festival. Everyone can play with a combination of traditional and modern culture. Various games and the Japanese atmosphere are some of the unique values of EDOKKO.

Lippo Mall Puri, 2nd floor
Puri Indah CBD Jl. Puri Indah Raya Blok U 1Jakarta 11610
Open: 10 am to 9 pm
Price: IDR 200,000 (Weekdays), IDR 250,000 (Weekends)
*price for 1 day
Instagram: @edokko_id

14. Fanpekka (Indoor)


AEON Mall collaborates with Finland Embassy to bring kids playground to its flagship at Garden City, Jakarta called Fanpekka. Inspired by Finland’s classic and contemporary art and culture, the playground also offers a little ambiance of small cities in Finland. The playing arenas are Assembly Leikkimokki, Role Leikkimokki, Lasten Ocean, Toys Corner, and Workshop area where kids not only able to have fun but also get some precious education. Fanpekka is for toddler to age 12.

Ticket Price:
Daily: IDR 150.000 /child
Weekend: IDR 170.000/child
All prices for unlimited play time

Fanpekka Aeon Mall Garden City
Jl. Jakarta Garden City, Cakung Timur, Cakung, Jakarta Timur 13910
Instagram: @fanpekka_id

15. Kovee VR Theme Park (Indoor)


Kovee is the first and the biggest theme park using Virtual Reality in Jakarta. They have various contents such as simulators, Walking Attractions, Rhythm Game & Vibe rooms with high technology from South Korea. If you want to have horror challenges in a special way, Kovee has opened lately the new “Horror Room”. You can do the challenge with VR and be a hero. Kovee is also famous for K-Culture activities. Anyone can enjoy wearing free-hanbok, K-pop and even K-drama with VR. Still, if you do not try Kovee VR Theme Park, they are always open for you. Go and get a great experience with VR!

Kovee VR Theme Park
Neo Soho Mall L2-205, Jl. Letjen S. Parman Kav. 28, Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat
Instagram: @koveevr

16. Buumi Playscape (Indoor)


Buumi Playscape is inspired by the Sanskrit word bhūmi or the earth. Just like the earth, they aspire the playground to be the natural habitat for your children. They embody this through the fundamental philosophy that play is natural for children. The design of Buumi is inspired by the idea of a sense of adventure derived from play. The reminder to be adventurous is featured through each of our walls at Buumi and our thematic exhibitions, which would represent the various elements and places of the earth.

Pacific Place Mall Lantai 3 Unit 50, Jalan Jendral Sudirman No.52-53, Jakarta Selatan
Phone: +6221 51400557
Instagram: @buumiplayscape

17. KidCity (Indoor)


KidCity is an indoor theme park presented by Transmart Carrefour, Jakarta. Kids can experience several rides, from boom boom car, pool balls, swings, to mini roller coaster, as well as some food tenants.

Transmart Carrefour Cempaka Putih
Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani No.83, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat 10510
Phone: +6287899720536
Instagram: @kidcity.cempakaputih


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