Tempat belanja di grand indonesia


SINAR HARAPAN – GRAND INDONESIA atau GI adalah salah satu pusat perbelanjaan paling ikonik di tengah kota Jakarta. 

Jika kamu mau jalan-jalan, belanja, atau bahkan mencari tempat makan di Grand Indonesia, mungkin daftar tenant dan gerai di Grand Indonesia ini bisa membantumu untuk menemukan tenant yang kamu butuhkan.

Cek daftar gerai dan tenant di Grand Indonesia di bawah ini.

Baca Juga: Cek Sebelum ‘Ngemol’, Daftar Tenant dan Gerai di AEON Mall Jakarta Garden City Cakung Terbaru 2022



  • Empire
  • Prima Laundry
  • The Nail Shop



  • Calvin Klein Jeans
  • EA7 Emporio Armani
  • INTime
  • Massimo Dutti
  • Seibu (Cosmetics & Fragrance)
  • Ted Baker
  • Tommy Hilfiger
  • TUMI
  • Alfred
  • Djournal Coffee
  • Starbucks Reserve


  • Central Department Store – Cosmetics

  • Coach
  • H&M
  • Pull & Bear
  • Caffe Milano
  • Publik Markette
  • TeSate

Baca Juga: Sebelum Buka Puasa Bareng, Cek Dulu Daftar Tenant dan Gerai AEON Sentul City Bogor Terbaru April 2022

All you need is love and something more

Ah Valentine! When the air is supposedly filled with sweet nothings, there’s no better tokens of love than something you’ve been eyeing for a while. Gift your loved ones a stunning present that speaks more than words can.

Here are our handpicked items that will make your Valentine ultra swoon-worthy.

Karen Millen
IDR 6.590.000

Who runs the world? Girls! Offer this ultra-stretchy and comfortable glamorous dress for that dedicated all-night-dancing session you both are planning on after a steamy date.This dress is made for running the world and the queen of your life certainly deserves it.

Coast [Clemence Halter Dress]
IDR 3.190.000

Being giddy in love is a nice feeling. Get star-struck for the night when your lady dresses in this seductive one piece with an alluring cut and graphic pattern bodice. When they say love is blind, it is indeed true for one can be blinded with the look of love.

*Price upon request
If your bae has been dressing down for most of your dates, it’s time for the to up their game. There is no need for passive aggressiveness or subtle hints, present them this sophisticated Siena blazer made of luxuriously soft blend of silk and cashmere that will have them fall heads over heels in love with the bespoke material. There’s no excuse now to look shabby on your date night.

Berluti [Playfield]
*Price upon request

BACA JUGA:   Sekolah kuliner budi mulia dua (yogyakarta)

Your fine man deserves a footwear that speaks of their equally fine qualities. As the saying goes, “Invest in a pair of good shoes for it shall take you to many wonderful places.” With this exceptional footwear, that is versatile for both indoor and outdoor occasions, you’d be certain that your bae will take you along for the many unforgettable rides that you both can remember for many years to come.

Frank & Co
IDR 6.240.000
Like Beyonce says, “If you like it, put a ring on it!”
Tender hearts, words of love are fleeting, while diamond? Diamond is forever. If you’ve been wanting to pop the question, there’s no better time than now.
If you like it, why wait? Lock your love one and put this ring on as your token of commitment and have them carry your heart with them at all time.

If you are racking your head on what to get for your special someone this Valentine, we hope the above suggestions will come in handy. When time is running out and you have no time to run into the store you can always head on to www.eshop.plazaindonesia.com to get the pieces featured.

We wish you lots of love, lust and burning passion this Valentine.

Ah Valentine! When the air is supposedly filled with sweet nothings, there’s no better tokens of love than something you’ve been eyeing for a while. Gift your loved ones a stunning present that speaks more than words can.

Here are our handpicked items that will make your Valentine ultra swoon-worthy.

Karen Millen
IDR 6.590.000

Who runs the world? Girls! Offer this ultra-stretchy and comfortable glamorous dress for that dedicated all-night-dancing session you both are planning on after a steamy date.This dress is made for running the world and the queen of your life certainly deserves it.

Coast [Clemence Halter Dress]
IDR 3.190.000

Being giddy in love is a nice feeling. Get star-struck for the night when your lady dresses in this seductive one piece with an alluring cut and graphic pattern bodice. When they say love is blind, it is indeed true for one can be blinded with the look of love.

*Price upon request
If your bae has been dressing down for most of your dates, it’s time for the to up their game. There is no need for passive aggressiveness or subtle hints, present them this sophisticated Siena blazer made of luxuriously soft blend of silk and cashmere that will have them fall heads over heels in love with the bespoke material. There’s no excuse now to look shabby on your date night.

BACA JUGA:   Alamat Wisata Bunga Sidomulyo Batu: Keindahan Alam yang Tiada Duanya

Berluti [Playfield]
*Price upon request

Your fine man deserves a footwear that speaks of their equally fine qualities. As the saying goes, “Invest in a pair of good shoes for it shall take you to many wonderful places.” With this exceptional footwear, that is versatile for both indoor and outdoor occasions, you’d be certain that your bae will take you along for the many unforgettable rides that you both can remember for many years to come.

Frank & Co
IDR 6.240.000
Like Beyonce says, “If you like it, put a ring on it!”
Tender hearts, words of love are fleeting, while diamond? Diamond is forever. If you’ve been wanting to pop the question, there’s no better time than now.
If you like it, why wait? Lock your love one and put this ring on as your token of commitment and have them carry your heart with them at all time.

If you are racking your head on what to get for your special someone this Valentine, we hope the above suggestions will come in handy. When time is running out and you have no time to run into the store you can always head on to www.eshop.plazaindonesia.com to get the pieces featured.

We wish you lots of love, lust and burning passion this Valentine.

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Grand Indonesia Shopping Town

Grand Indonesia Shopping Town, biasanya disebut Grand Indonesia, adalah mall kelas premium yang terletak di Jl. M. H. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta Pusat, dekat Bundaran Hotel Indonesia. Sebuah kawasan terintegrasi yang menjadi jantung kehidupan Jakarta. Sebuah mal yang menawarkan pengalaman berbelanja pada level yang berbeda.

Grand Indonesia Shopping Town

Menyebut nama mall ini berarti menyebut sebuah kehidupan yang berbeda. Berbeda karena yang dihadirkan mall ini benar-benar berkelas. Menyajikan apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk menikmati hidup pada level yang lebih tinggi. Berikut ini ada beberapa hal menarik yang harus kamu ketahui tentang Grand Indonesia Shopping Town:

Terbesar dan Termegah

Grand Indonesia Shopping Town

Pada awal Januari lalu, forbes.com memasukkan Grand Indonesia Shopping Town dalam daftar “shopping malls” terbesar di Jakarta. Dalam artikel berjudul “The Top Five Shopping Malls in Jakarta” itu, forbes.com menyebut Grand Indonesia sebagai salah satu kawasan perbelanjaan terbesar dan termegah di Indonesia. Mall ini terdiri atas 8 lantai. “…you’ll be lucky to see even half of this megamall…” tulis forbes.com.

BACA JUGA:   Taman wisata keluarga - gerbang banyu langit

Dua Gedung

Grand Indonesia Shopping Town

Mall terbesar dan termegah ini terdiri atas East Mall dan West Mall. Dilansir grand-indonesia.com, West Mall dibuka pada April 2007. Sementara East Mall dibuka 4 bulan kemudian. Keduanya dihubungkan oleh Sky Bridge yang terdapat di lantai 1, 2, 3, 3A, dan 5. Di lantai 3 terdapat sebuah foodcourt. Total luas mall ini adalah 263.226 m2.

Ratusan Brand Ternama

Seibu Department Store di Grand Indonesia Shopping Town

Ada begitu banyak toko dan gerai di mall ini. Major anchors-nya adalah Seibu Department Store, CGV Cinemas, dan Central, department store dari Thailand. Tenant lainnya, antara lain, adalah Cotton On, H&M, Gramedia, Alun-Alun Indonesia, Ace, MUJI, dan Forever21.

Grand Indonesia Shopping Town

Berbagai produk dari brand ternama di dunia ada di sini. Beberapa brand besar yang bisa disebut, antara lain, adalah Adidas, Nike, Zara, Uniqlo, Oakley, Bebe, GAP, Pull & Bear, Levi’s, Mothercare, dan ELC.

Lebih dari 100 F&B Tenants

Sate Senayan di Grand Indonesia Shopping Town

Grand Indonesia Shopping Town tidak hanya menjadi surga bagi para pencinta mode, tetapi juga surga bagi para pencinta kuliner. Lebih dari 100 food and beverage tenants dihadirkan di sini. Mulai dari restoran yang menyajikan makanan dan minuman khas Indonesia hingga yang menyajikan menu khas Eropa. Mulai dari Baso Afung, Bakmi GM, Sate Khas Senayan, Soto Betawi Ratu Plaza, hingga restoran mancanegara seperti Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Sushi Tei, Bonchon, dan lainnya.

Magic Fountain Show

Magic Fountain Show di Grand Indonesia Shopping Town

Hal menarik lain dari Grand Indonesia Shopping Town adalah Magic Fountain Show-nya. Itu adalah atraksi air mancur menari yang dihiasi dengan gemerlap cahaya lampu dan pertunjukan musik. Pengunjung dapat menikmati Magic Fountain Show ini pada pukul 12.00—15.00 dan 18.00—21.00 WIB untuk weekdays dan pukul 11.00—13.00, 15.00—17.00, dan 19.00—21.00 WIB pada weekends.

Jutaan Pengunjung

Bazar Nike di Grand Indonesia Shopping Town

Grand Indonesia Shopping Town tercatat sebagai satu dari beberapa mall besar yang dikunjungi jutaan orang setiap bulan. Pada tahun 2012 lalu tercatat bahwa sekitar 1,3 juta orang mengunjungi mall ini setiap bulan. Jumlah itu meningkat pada tahun 2016 lalu menjadi 2,7 juta orang.  Pada tahun 2013 lalu, data mencatat bahwa setiap hari, jumlah kendaraan yang keluar-masuk mall ini mencapai 7.000 kendaraan. Jumlah itu semakin meningkat pada tahun 2017 ini. Apalagi jika ada bazar atau pesta diskon. Bisa lebih dari 10 ribu kendaraan yang keluar-masuk mall ini.
















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